CAD/CAM and CEREC 3D technology has impacted dentistry in many new and exciting ways .The explosion in new technology has not only changed our lives but made it more virtual.. Cutting-edge innovations in dental instruments are requiring less time in the dental chair, causing less discomfort and creating satisfying results. One breakthrough instrument, called CEREC 3D, allows dentists to quickly restore damaged teeth in one visit with natural-colored ceramic fillings, saving patients time and inconvenience.
When it comes to being compared to natural dental enamel, CEREC performs well. This results in no more wear than you would get from natural teeth, which is unlike the results of using ceramic or ceramic/metal crows.
We have now built up extensive experience of using our CEREC and have performed over 1000 successful procedures.
This piece of technology is essential a computer with a camera. This makes it possible to measure microscopic measurements of your teeth and what you need so that the best fitting crown or inlay can be fitted. The computer then designs what is needed and the information is sent wirelessly to a unit that then prepares the inlay, veneer or crown from tooth coloured ceramic.
The cement that we use is the best for bonding the filling to the tooth cavity. You can expect to have a very good solution for your cavity requirement. Once it’s dry, then we will polish it for you and you will be the owner of a maximum strength filling that has a long life ahead of it.
Cerac 3D can prepare Partial Crowns, Complete Crowns, Porcelain Inlays and Onlays, Porcelain Veneers or Laminates to preserve healthy tooth structures. CEREC 3D Offers several advantages.
Most dentists make temporary restoration before making permanent, but we always make sure that our patients bear minimum pain while carrying out restoration procedures.
With CAD/CAM technology, no temporary restoration is required and patients can easily get the dental restoration in a single go.
We bestow our patients with the best so that the risk for teeth shifting or infection gets reduced to a great extent. We do not prefer amalgam dental filling for our clients and always draw on porcelain ceramics for the purpose. We also have gold restoration alternatives for all those who wish to have such a preference.
Make your dental experience more comforting and evenhanded with Dr. Sachdeva's Dental Aesthetic & Implant Centre.
Call us today on 01142464041 to book your CEREC appointment and enjoy the benefits of this latest dental technology.
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